Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Missing family and flooded out in Oklahoma !

Well it has been a while since I have got to get on the Teerlink Blogger :( Way to much going on in the big town of Carnegie! If any of you watch the news you may have seen Oklahoma had its first HURRICANE! I slept rite through it ! The Daugherty House did not get it as bad or any where close to as bad as some of the other people in our area. My stinking camera is broke and the only one I have is on my phone, so I cant put pictures on here to show you. But any way there was 3 people that drowned in their van that night just 2 miles from the quarry. The van was swept of the road and then went under a small, I mean very small bridge and then into a pond or at that time a large lake. It was a sad deal. The quarry had 5 ft of water in the pit. My office had 2 1/2 in of mud and water in it. there is a water line on some of our rock piles that was like 2-4 ft up. Lots and lots of water all in about a 4 hr time period ! When you drive down our roads all you can see is dead grass on fence rows hay bales in the middle of dirt roads and highways. Some of the bales were carried over fences about 200-300 yards lots of big fields that used to be green and full of hay or cut wheat now just brown and muddy. When you go into the small town of Ft. Cobb you can see lots of carpet, furniture, peoples belongings needing to picked up to go to the dump. When we went to Cedar Lake to see dad, the bridge on the dirt road we take was completely washed away. We looked and found it about 150-200 yards from where it was! They are saying it will take up to five years to get our state close to where it was before the storm. So any way WHERE IS OUR FAMILY !!!?????!!!!!! How is our Grandma Ruby doing? I hope good ! The next one to talk to her let her know we love her from Oklahoma! Last night it was so so so funny Mattie got attacked by a bull frog! It scared her for a second but when she seen us all laughing she knew it was OK ! Well I guess I better get to work

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