Wednesday, June 27, 2007

KristieSue Says...

Ok so I don't have a lot to say. Chris is on vacation this week and we're working on our basement... I hate to paint but man I will be glad when it's time to do that cause hanging this sheetrock is killing me! I think the hard part is over (I hope)

I am loving seeing everyone on here active and posting. I think it would be really awesome if we could bug some more of the family to join. I wanna see what all my cousins are up to these days! So everyone bug your offspring to join us! :P I think Crystal is going to come over tomorrow and I'm going to help her set up a profile. Her and Aaron don't have a computer at home but they can use mine! I am also going to try to get over to see Grandpa and Grandma and help them do a post or too! I have a laptop and I can save the blog to be viewed offline so they can see all your posts!

Anyway that's all I have to say I guess... I'll leave you with a little something to laugh at ;)
This is my youngest son Brett and my friend Brittany. Brett loves her to death... can you tell :p


~MiStY~ said...

I Love it !!! He is such a handsme boy!! Tell everyone hi and we miss them!

Rosella Talbot said...

kristie, your kids are so cute i am still trying to figure out this whole mess i will get it eventually love ya aunt rosella