Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Made the time !

WOW! I cant believe how much our family has grown! It is so nice to see all the pictures of everyone. It has been so crazy here in Oklahoma that I finally had to just make the time to get on here and write! Lots has been going on here. Macy started school last month and is learning so so so so much! She can say the whole Pledge of Allegiance by herself! She is learning fire safety and lots of other neat stuff! They have a really cute saying when they brush their teeth to remind them not to use to much toothpaste and its " A dropa do ya" ! She really likes the three year old program! She likes that she gets to ride the little kids bus back to daycare, she thinks that is some neat stuff! Mattie is getting so so big! She is doing pretty good on her ABC's and she can count to three better than I can now! She does not wear shoes EVER! Keeping shoes on that kid is worse than pulling teeth! Mike has a new toy, I don't like it all that well but he loves it! I think it is a Honda but I'm not sure! It is one of those Crotch Rocket bikes! It is bright RED and goes way to fast! Macy and Mattie like it to. I don't like it at all! It makes me nervous. As for me everything is the same. I work a few more hours now at the quarry and that has made it to where I have learned to use my crock pot! There are lots of neat things you can do with a crock pot! Tonight is only the second night to try it. So hopefully dinner will be good! Tonight we should end up with Spaghetti (Hopefully) ! Well I gotta get to work !

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