Thursday, June 21, 2007

LOST !!???!!!

Well I got home from work last night and Macy told me the bad news. She lost her hampster! So now we have an oreo looking rodant roaming freely in our house. I was not to empressed. She is so sad that he left her. When she got up this morning she called for him but he is gone. I bet he gets ate by the nasty snake that snuck into our house the other nite. Mike put the new tires on his dune buggy last night. Now all we need are new front tires and he'll be good to go. It has been raining in Oklahoma alot and last night about 6:30-7:00 there was a rainbow and it was BIG! It was cool because it started in the field right next to my house and you could see it. I took pictures of it but I havent figured out how to put them on the computer yet. The next time I come to Missouri Kristie I will need your help with that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awww poor little Macy. We have a hamster named Hammy and he's the houdini of all hamsters. We finally had to get a clasp to shut his cage with cause he kept escaping. They are night animals so when he's getting up in the night searching for some munchies you might be able to catch him. Good Luck :)